Sunday, June 28, 2009

Arrival to Salamanca

So on Saturday afternoon I arrived in Salamanca, which is where I will be studying for the rest of the program (until August 1st). I met my host family, who turned out to be an older lady that lives by herself (but her brother lives in the city close by). Her name is Elena and this is her first time hosting a student. She is really nice, but a little quiet and she refuses to let me help her with anything, but I keep trying. I was actually suprised with how well I understand her and the other people that I have meet here. One thing that I already like better about Salamanca than Madrid is that when I go out and speak in Spanish, the people here respond in Spanish, whereas in Madrid, every restaurant or anywhere we went and talked to people in Spanish, they knew we were English speakers and would speak in English. I like that I have to use the language more here because getting better at speaking was basically the biggest goal of this trip.

Last night, I met some friends in the Plaza Mayor, which is probably the prettiest plaza that I have ever seen. There is some celebration or something because there was a stage set up and people were dancing the tango both on the stage and by the stage in the plaza. I was actually really excited that they were dancing the tango because the last Spanish class was all about the tango, so it was really awesome to see it here too. Other than that, I have just been exploring. This city is really cool with crazy awesome buildings and churches and stuff. Today I went for a two hour walk around a majority of the city (and saw a place where people were tangoing outside again!).

Well that is all for now!

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