Wednesday, July 1, 2009

First week in Salamanca

So my days consist of going to class (12-1:30 this week, but next week I will be getting more classes so I will be going from 10-1:30), going back home for lunch (we eat around 3), going out with friends, going back home for dinner (we eat around 10), and then going out around the city with friends.

On Monday, some friends and I went to a travel agency and we booked bus tickets to Pampalona, Spain for July 10-12. It is going to be awesome because on Saturday there is going to be the running of the bulls. After dinner, I met some friends in the plaza and we went around to celebrate the Stephanie´s (a girl in the program) 21st birthday.

On Tuesday, some friends and I checked out one of the local public pools. It was such a nice, sunny day, except there was this one cloud that past over us that dropped a few really big rain drops. Tuesday night was probably one of the most fun that I have had since being here. My teacher made an optional assignment for the class to go out for tapas on this street called Van Dyck together. I decided to go, even though I get a free dinner by my señora, and it proved to be a very good decision. My U of M class has about 25 or so students, so it is hard for us to do things outside of class together, but for this optional assignment, only about 10 showed up. We met our teacher, Andy Noverr, on the street that I live on (Paseo de Doctor Torres Villarroel) and Van Dyck. Two of the other instructors (Carla and Roberto), who are originally from Spain, joined us too. The first place we had the best tapas, one of them being cochinillo asado. I also really liked pincho moruno, which was pork like cochinillo asado. I find it interesting how much I like pork and ham in Spain because of the way it is made, whereas in the US I could really take it or leave it. We went to two other tapas bars as well, which had amazing food too. At each place, everyone had a glass of wine or beer, which was actually forced by our instructor. It turned out that with each tapas plate that is ordered, a glass of wine or beer comes with it. We met at 9 pm and we were eating until a bit after 11. Surprisingly enough, this meal only cost me 5 euros, and it could easily qualify for one of the best meals ever, and the best part was for the whole two hours or so, we were all speaking in Spanish, so it was fun, educational, and extremely delicious. After dinner, I met more people in the plaza and we went around to some other bars. It was super fun because we had a smaller group, so we were able to talk and just hang out.

I just want to mention how cheap the bars and discotecas in Salamanca are. Most of the time, just by entering a new club, you get a free drink. Some nights, there are places with open bars. Other places have 12 shots for 5 euros (that are of couse shared by a group of many people) or have euro shots. It is pretty sweet because I can usually go out without spending any money, or at least very very little.

Wednesday was July 1st, which is the day that everything goes on sale, at least in Salamanca. I am trying to find a cute dress and\or skirt, but I haven´t had any luck yet. Before class today, I met my friend at the train station to buy tickets for Lisbon, Portugal for this weekend. We leave at 4:45 am on Saturday and will return to Salamanca after midnight sunday night, or one could call it monday morning. My friends and I were going to go to the pool again, but we were distracted by all of the stores with big sale signs, so we never did get to the pool. At night, some friends and I went to this little tapas bar called Bambú that my professor back at home recommended I visit while I am here. It is hidden away, kind of underneath the only Burger King, but it is right there by the Plaza Mayor. It was super good, and we only intended to order 3 sangrias that were 2 euros each, but with each sangria came a plate of tapas, so we picked the three that looked the best. Super delicious and really a quaint little place that we are definitely going back to in the next few weeks.

Thursday had beautiful blue skies without a cloud in sight and the weather was warm with a light breeze, perfect for another day at the pool after class. But while in class, we went on a mini excursion to a local market, kind of like a farmer´s market. It was very similar to others that I have seen in Spain, with little booths and stands of meat, fish, fruit, pastries, etc. It was super cool, so I will probably go back to pick up a few little things. Thursday night we all went to Mediosa, a bar kind of close to the Plaza Mayor.

Friday´s class was pretty sweet because more than half the class left for Porto, Portugal that morning (I leave for Lisbon, Portugal at 4:40 am on Saturday morning), so we went around Salamanca exploring the many of the things that I have not done yet. Normally we can´t go places as whole class because there are so many of us, but today there was only around 10. We went to outskirts of the city and saw this bridge that has base arches of over 2000 year old. By the bridge, there was a great view of one of the cathedrals and the university (so don´t worry Mom, I took pictures). Then we went back into town and saw the Old Cathedral, which was really pretty, both inside and out. We also went to the Patio de Escuelas Menores, which is right by my classroom. Look it up on Google Images and see the many different images of it, and you really should look it up because it is beautiful.

Well, that´s all for my first week in Salamanca. Next update will be about my weekend in Lisbon :)

1 comment:

  1. Link to a photo of Escuelas Menores:
