Monday, July 27, 2009

Fifth Week in Salamanca and Final Week in SPAIN

So a short story. Doing laundry at my señora´s house costs 12 euros (she originally told me 10, but whatever) and giving it to a company to do cost €6.50, so clearly I will choose the cheaper option. I took my laundry in on Thursday afternoon after class, and he said I could pick it up in the morning, but I told him that I couldn´t because I was going out of town (to Zaragoza!), so he said I could pick it up that night by 8. I thought this would be fine because I thought I was just going to the cathedrals with my señora´s brother, but alas we went more places, so I didn´t pick up my laundry. I asked a friend to pick it up for me on Friday because I wasn´t sure what the company´s policy was for picking up laundry. She said yes, so I gave her the receipt and the money to do so. I am going to fast forward a bit to Friday afternoon where I am about to take a siesta at Paco and Angelines´house, when I get a call from my friend saying she lost my money and my receipt because it fell out of her pocket on her way to go pick it up. So I was a little nervous, but everything was there when I picked it up on Monday and the guy didn't care that I didn't have my reciept because he said that he remembered me.

Sunday night we out with guy named Martín from Buenos Aires, which was fun because we got to practice our Spanish. It is really funny when I hang out with the twins and Caitlin because I am the only brunette, and they get a lot of attention from being blondes in Spain where almost everyone is a brunette.

Monday must have been uneventful since I don't remember what I did, except I did pick up my laundry and talked to Manny on skype. It was pretty uneventful because we studied for our exams on Tuesday. I am sure I did other things though.

Tuesday was the day of exams, which were both super easy, unlike all the other exams that I have taken at college. In my U of M class we didn't have an exam, but we have to do a final presentation later in the week, so in class we went to this crazy museum made by this guy to protest stuff though art. It was cool, but a little dark and I for sure did not understand all of the art that was there. This museum was on the other side of the world of Salamanca, so I made an adventure of it walking home, trying to get myself lost, but I found that it could not be done. It was a nice walk home and I checked out this HUGE, beautiful park on the way. Later that day I shopped around and explored a little more. That night we all went out for a really long time and a huge group of us waited until this churros and chocolate place opened (4:30 am) and got them. They were so incredibly amazing.

On Wednesday, I went shopping for things to remember Salamanca and to enjoy the time I have left in this beautiful city. I also read a little bit in the Plaza. During the few hours walking around the city, 4 old men started a conversation with me. The longest was while I was reading in the Plaza when this little old guy joined me on the bench. We talked for almost a half hour, it was really funny. Then I met up with some people from my culture class to celebrate the birthday of this kid from China. No one can say his name, so everyone (including the teacher) calls his Javier or whatever Spanish sounding name comes out first. After dinner, I made my final presentation for class on Thursday and then went to hang out in the Plaza.

On Thursday, I spent the afternoon at the pool and then went to this museum of old automobliles with my host uncle. When I got back, my host mom and host uncle gave me a gift which was candy and two nice books with pictures of Salamanca. Then I went out with some friends and this guy from Salamanca named Julio. He was cool because he took us to fun places that were mainly Spanish people instead of international students.

Friday was the last day of classes. We went to a restaurant with my culture class to say goodbye. After all my classes were over, I got my certificate of completion and then went shopping for a few last minute items. I wanted to get Elena (my señora) a gift since she got me one too, so I bought this stuff animal frog (on this building of the university, there is this tiny frog along with thousands of other designs on the wall and anyone who finds it will have good luck on exams or life, so frogs are kind of a symbol in Salamanca) and my señora liked it a lot. I knew that she would because she loves stuff animals. While my señora wasn´t really a good host, I still wanted to get something for her, especially since she didn´t really enjoy the gifts from MI that I brought her (Sander´s hot fudge, Mackinac Island Fudge, MI Cherry Tea, a heat mitt shaped like the MI hand, and probably something else tiny...she doesn´t really eat, so the food products were kind of a waste on her). I also picked me up a Universidad de Salamanca sweatshirt and a really cool ring that I was told is another symbol of Salamanca.
After shopping, I met up with Rachel F. and we tried to find the river where a whole bunch of people hang out, but we never did find that part of the river, but we did find this shop that nuns sell cookies in and we bought some that were super delicious. I originally planned to give these cookies to Maria and Francesc, but they were very delicate and crumbly and by the time that I got them home, they were all crumbs.

After lunch, I went out to walk around the city for the last time. I saw a whole bunch of it and I went into this store and found a cute dress! I was very excited.

Then I went to the goodbye dinner at Don Cochinillo for my whole program. It was a delicious meal, but it was really sad because it was the last time all together in Spain! Afterward, I went to the Plaza Mayor to get ice cream with some friends and then I joined the twins and Caitlin to go out for a little bit on our last night. Before going back home, I called my brother, John, with my calling card that I had to get rid of since it only works in Spain. It was nice to talk to him and he, Jenn, and Dori were out looking at houses. Super exciting stuff! Then I was planning to go to sleep when I got back home, but then I got nervous about forgetting things, so I searched up and down and around everywhere. I am pretty confident there is nothing of mine left in the house. At 5:30, I took a taxi to the bus station where I would take a bus to the Madrid Airport (where I would take a plane to Brussels to see Maria and Fransesc!).

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